Game Spot review is ridiculous

User Rating: 8.7 | Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia PS2
The reviewer obviously has no taste for these types of game and even goes to the extent to try and make people feel stupid if they enjoy this game... Yes this game won't be winning any awards, the dialogue isn't the greatest, the graphics are simple, and the game play isn't difficult. If you are looking for innovative game play, eye popping graphics, and whatnot look else where. If you are like me and love classic RPG style, with a original story, and game play that isn't too demanding, just something you can sit back, relax, and enjoy then this game will keep you entertained for a long time. It starts off pretty slow I'll admit but once Mischa/Aurica join your party the combat gets a lot more interesting as the concept of Songs are introduced to battles. Your regular fighters do decent damage but the highlight of the battle system is definitely the Reyvateil and their Songs/Hymns. The Dive System which allows you to explore the minds of Reyvateil is very nice, you explore their minds to help them overcome fears and in the process create new spells that they can use in reality. It also really helps to develop the characters and give them a lot depth. The story is excellent even if it does have the sexual innuendo that the Game Spot reviewer seemed to take so much offense too...

The game allows you to chose between Japanese and English voices which is always nice. The english dub isn't bad at all, I switch between them depending on how I feel. The only complaint I have about that is that there is a slight lag between when the text appears and when the voice actor speaks, so usually I'm done reading the text before they even start speaking. Another thing I like is for each area you enter where random battles occur you will have a bar at the bottom of your screen. The bar changes colors depending on how likely you are to be attacked but also chunks of the bar are removed after each battle and when they are all gone you will no longer be attacked in that area until you leave and come back. So you are free to explore without having to worry about random encounters once you deplete that bar.

I recommend this game to anyone who likes classic JRPG's graphics, want an interesting story with well developed characters, don't mind the tried and true battle method of JRPG's, and aren't looking for something that is very challenging.