Fun RPG.
The story follows Lyner Barsett, he is a Knight of Elemia. As a Knight of Elemia his job is to project the 'Tower Of Ar tonelico' (where the remaining people of Sol Ciel live) from 'virus'. The game starts with a new and powerful type of virus showed up. Lyner is sent in an airship to get an object called the 'Hymn Crystal'. The Airship crashed, and that is where the game really begins.
It has an item creation system called Grathmelding, it is like item synthesis in Atelier Iris (another game by Gust). You make new item by getting recipe cards and the needed ingredients, and go to an inn (or a save spot you can rest). Another feature of the game is called 'Diving'. Diving is going into the cosmosphere of a Reyvateil; a Reyvateil is a species of people who are female and are the mages of the game. Diving gives you new songs (magic), and costumes. To dive deeper in the cosmosphere you need to get closer to the Reyvateil, and you do that by finding topic conversations markers around the game world, alittle like a Dating Sim (however I liked the one in Thousand Arms better)
The major problem I have about this game is it is way too easy.