Absolutely one of the best Role Playing Game to come out in 2011 on PS3
Ar Tonelico Qoga has one of the best soundtrack in a game, the soundtrack keep you going for more and more till the game is beaten. the game also depends on the player to chose the path and the ending desired, your choices will determine which ending you get, the game has multiple endings again depending on the player with either having a sad ending, normal ending or a happy ending.
Battle system, , the battle system is action based more like star Ocean 4 ( if you played it ), its quick, fast and each battle system has a different great soundtrack, the thing i love the most is how fighting with monsters has a limit, which means you have a meter that show you the amount of fighting you do then after beating everyone you are clear to run around the jungle, town, desert or anywhere without having to worry about fighting monsters ever minute unlike final fantasy X for example which it asks you to find a specific item to start not having to worry about monsters appearing.
Dive system- The diving system is pretty funny concept and has its own mini story which also helps develop the characters in your team, one funny thing i found is there is a panic button while diving and also gives you a trophy if you click it over 100 times.
Ar Tonelico Qoga has many positive sides in it and some minor negatives so will list them as follows:
# Amazing soundtrack
# Top-notch voice acting
# Fun gameplay
# Great battle system
# Hilarious
# Beautiful visuals
# Towns
Some little slow downs during battles which isn't that bad
One thing to note is that the game comes with a beautiful package with the game, a soundtrack CD and a hard copy art book. as well as the game dosent end after beating the game players can go back and change their decisions to view the other endings and also the game offer you an extra section to view all your music, unlocks and movies.
Overall the game is a must have by any PS3 owner and RPG fans, the game shouldn't be missed. lastly all thanks to NISA for bringing such a great and fun game