you find yourself heavily armed with a huge yellow canister, sneaking through the hallways and getting rid of those bugg
To this day, I must admit I have never seen the movie the game is based on. I somehow missed it when I was a kind and it seems to be quite the obscure title to purchase by today. The game itself is equally unknown and puts you in the role of a critterhunting fat man who stomps and sprays his way to a little village. I have never been able to complete the game but it is still lots of fun. You start out driving around the neighbourhood until some hosue starts flashing in agony due to some spidars invading. Next thing, you find yourself heavily armed with a huge yellow canister, sneaking through the hallways and getting rid of those buggers. The game is essentially a slow sidescroller. You can shoot (spray) the spiders, jump on them, must by any means avoid them jumping in your face or lazily dropping on your head from the ceiling. At the end of some houses you will encounter the big bloated brooding queen which is a more difficult challenge to overcome.
The game is quite atmospheric, given the low prod. values. The spiders and their jittering makes your skin crawl and the main character's agitated scream "THE QUEEN" makes me cringe every time.
Good, solid old school action