Stylish game which you will need skill and a tuch of zang! This is old-skool but is still great. :)

User Rating: 8.6 | ARC: Attack Retrieve Capture PC
You may not think much of ARC when you first view it but once you start playing you might find it either annoying or hard to put away. If you come into this game with limited skill you will certainly be destroyed straight away having to re-spawn till you start learning to dodge and get some kills under your belt. The primary game is CTF (Capture the Flag) with lasers, bouncies, missiles and granades at your disposel you goto destroy the enemy to help the team get the flag. There are two other game types deathmatch and some kind of hover over a button to make it turn to your colour! But there arn't many of those maps! Don't be fooled for a second by the small size of the game because behind the scenes you have clans and leagues which will keep you entertained all weekend. When you add all this elements together you get a very nice little game, which then becomes a diamond in the ruff. You may want to play some music in the background, the kind of music that gets you pumping. Because the only sounds you will be hearing will be laser fire and the sound of ships being blown to pieces. If you are fed-up with the little alien ships then you can goto the community website to download a skin(patch) to change that! So there is a collection of graphics now! Yes that means you can change your graphics around and that makes for a nice change. Some of the patches even have different sound effects which is a nice add. Now lets get into the maps again, lots and lots of maps. If you have a good enough connection maybe you can even start your own Rogue Server. Which is basically hosting your own maps. If you made a map that is! O ye, I should also add you can make your own maps! With a nifty little map editor on the community website. Finally you should all know this game is currently free to play which makes this game value 10 out of 10.