Do not listen to the reviews, up there. Arc Rise Fantasia is a great RPG for the Wii, and here's my review on why.
Story: 7.5/10
The story is about a mercenary named L'arc Bright Lagoon (???), he is currently fighting a feldragon and while he was just about to be killed, A diva named Ryfia, saved him by...singing. Anyway, L'arc meets Ryfia and later on in the game he finds out that he might be the child of ecsa, as he and a rogress eventually bond together. The story is alright but I think they could've done alittle better. But it is interesting and you will like it. I know the description is really short, but i don't want to spoil. Anyway moving on...
Graphics: 8/10
The cgi cut scenes look pretty good, and the battle scenes including the cut scenes are awesome. And also to add on i like the anime character pics when every they talk through text it's pretty entertaining.
Sound: 7.5/10
The music in the game is downright amazing, you will love the sountrack but the voice acting leaves alot to be desired. Now, L'arc and Alf sound pretty good, and i guess Ryfia's alright but Niko's a bit annoying. The voice acting isn't as bad as what everyone says. I personally like it, but if you can't handle it then turn the voice acting off.
Gameplay: 9/10
This is where fantasia truly shines, the rpg ground is familar and it's really fun. It's basically like final fantasy 7 but with a twist. This works really well and i enjoy it. The only problem is boss fights. There fun but they will beat the mess out of you the first time.
Lasting Appeal: 10/10
You will be spending several hours to beat this game, it's really fun and all and all it's worth the $45.
Final Score: 8.4 -> 8.5 Great
+ Combat is fun
+ Good Music
+ Is a long game
+ Pretty nice graphics
- Voice acting could've been alittle better.
- Boss will slaughter you the first time.
- Small camera problems during combat, not noticeable though.