A dull, confusing game that even the series fans wouldn't buy.
At the start of the game, it doesn’t seem bad at all. Okay graphics, it’s fun moving your character around, the little movies in between the game play don’t seem so bad either. You choose to name your character, but I will refer to him as Edda as that was the original name for the character. Edda, somehow has the “ability” to be an exorcist. When you first begin your fighting, all you have to fight is a bunch of mushroom-look-a-like monster things. When you enter the next room, this is where the trouble begins. You have to fight this tough looking monster. Oh look! It has a dark aura. So the main idea with bosses where always to lower its HP to zero, you get a reward, and go on to another quest. But no, if you are a first to the series, ( like me when I played it ) you will probably have a tough time. Why? It’s because most people see the meter above it’s head and think: All I have to do is keep whacking that thing until it dies. No. After fighting him for a long hour, I realized something. This will be helpful for the starters, but you have to hit it until it gets stunned, then press the circle button to exercise it. What new player would know? And that’s only where I begin.
On the island they consider you to be a hero. Then Edda decides he wants to be a hunter. You take your unfinished raft and then movie time.
To make this a little more “into the game”, you become a hunter after a test, and you have to do several missions. These missions are horrible. They are not straightforward and they are a chore to do. Games should be fun, and not like you bought it so you just HAVE to beat it. Anyone who owns it and hates it, you don’t have to beat it. Play a game you’re comfortable with. ( I kept playing the game because my grandmother bought it for me ) And for the Arc The Lad fans, I’m sorry, but I’m only making the review because I don’t like it. But in my opinion, End of Darkness is a worthless game. I wouldn’t buy it for 10$.