Its Been A Long Time Since I Got A Game Where I Did Not Require To Take A Break Away While Playing, Its A Great Title!
Graphics : Though i honestly believe the sprites should have been bigger, they still are fine enough, due to the fact that they are quite detailed. All the emotions and stuff and most importantly even most townsmen have their own acting sprites, i mean they are not just moving around, they shove emotions too, and also have their own animation, which is something great and which is something which i have never seen in a playstaition title or any game as of yet, (NOTE i do not own a playstation 2 as of yet). Towns are detailed and the monsters and battle spells and effects are well animated as well, they are not flashy at all, but they do make a nice image. There are nice FMV sequences, and my favorite so far is the opening movie sequence, it really got me moving. Graphics are good.
Sound : Nothing like remembering quality, but its fast and is good and i have not yet heard any annoying music in this game. Battle theme is random depending on the situation, while sound effects are nice. There is also some voice acting, albeit its in japanese language. Some tunes are quite exciting, though there is one issue with the sound effect which is that whether the enemy is a human or a monster or some machine, when ihey die they all make the same grunt. Sound in general is good.
Story : Though this may not be an original one, its really close to be an original one, with that said, the story as a lot of emotions, right from the start itself one can get into the hero's emotional thoughts, due to the very emotional sprite animation, the story really brings things alive. Every mission as a certain amount of emotional story, i meant to say every event is populated with great emotional story for the respective characters. The game never feels dull due to the ever heart touching emotional story here, not just the main characters got decent development, but all the side characters including the enemies too (which occur again and again eventually and most of them are funny) have update story in their background, the story is great.
Gameplay : Its strategy rpg, and its not fftactics style, though the battle system could have used a few implementation for upgraded fun, its not bad by any means what so ever, the game is very easy, and one can get upto gaining around 20 levels in no time, the game has amazing level system alongwith amazing battle system, which is one of the vital reasons which would make the game for addictive then most others. Game itself is fun and lighthearted, and is great.
Overall this is one great game with fun and lightness rather then confused and pathetic stories of most other companies, please try this game cause its one of the best psx titles outhere.