toying with Darc-ness with is fun!
It has great comical characters which can make you laugh out loud, or even deep brooding characters that can make you think and confused (GO BEBEDORA!!!)
Furthermore, the ability to be able to see the point of view of the two conflicting heroes (one heroic-Kharg, and one anti-heroic-Darc) is a great addition to the arc the lad storyline. It is especially fun playing Darc's episodes because we get to play the role as a demon/human character that doesn't want to save the world, instead, control it under his mighty rule. He doesn't like to help people, but likes to take things by force but in the end, he too is suffering from lost identity, and does what he does to prove that he exists. It's great to see his point of view because it takes away from the cliched and the typica I-want-to-save-the-world-theme-and-i am-all good-and-kind.
anywhoo, it's a fun game, though it has some flaws, they are minor enough that they should go unnoticed and leave you glad that you played it.