Arcade Classics for sega could have had a lot of promise but it turned out to be very disapointing.
User Rating: 4 | Arcade Classics GEN
Some Sega genesis games have great graphics and are pretty long, at this time (1996) there was a pattern going on where old games were being recreated but with 16 bit graphics (Examples: Super Mario All Stars or Mega Man the wily wars). When i bought this game at the store this is what i thought and what I WAS TOLD would happen. When i came home and put it in my Sega Genesis There was a nice intro but when i started to play the game something was missing to me. It had Missle Command and it had Centipede, and Pong.....thats it.One thing that just makes me angry is that on the box it said BONUS GAME PONG. Well to me this game needed a lot of bonus games, because Missle Command, and Centipede which have Atari 5200 (maybe 7800) grahpics. If Super Nintendo Could fit Marios 1-3, Lost Levels and Mario World into one cartridge, why couldnt they put more games in this cartridge . They could have had a lot more great Arcade games in this like Space Invaders, or maybe Pole Position, Asteroids would be good too. I sold it to a friend of mine for 5 bucks he thought he was getting ripped off. This game wasnt worth the money back then and today its still not worth anything i recently bought it again for 25 cents at a garage sale.
Good things about this game
- Playing these games are still fun, and the controls arent bad
-The intro is nice
Really Bad things about this game
- Games can get old after a while
- Very limited choices, sega could have done way better
-Poor Graphics (even with poor graphics i would have liked it A LOT if it had a few more games.
-The Cover sucks
Overall this game gets a 40% or 4 of 10
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