3 Atari Games come on more could of been added

User Rating: 1.5 | Arcade Classics GEN
Recently I took a look at Arcade Classics because I didn't really know what was featured on this game. In 1996 came this very game which does feature only 3 games and these are Centipede, Missile Command, Pong (which is included as a bonus yes that is the best they can do). As for these there all Atari games so why wasn't the game called Atari Arcade Classics. The main issue with this game is that the graphics and sound is the same so you don't get any remixed versions just ports from the Atari 2600. I don't really need to go into that much detail of these games cause we have seen them before.

This is a poor game with only 3 games on here when you could of got more I mean look at the Mega Games also released on Genesis/Mega Drive at least one of them had 10 games in 1. If you see this game it is worth a miss the only good thing to say about it is the intro screen.