An RPG set in a magical version of Steam punk is honestly a bit of a stretch for me. I would have much preferred straight up Steam Punk, but then again I do not own a software company so I'll make do with the wonderful works that are given to me. This game smacks of Fallout, but in a good way. The story is well put together and the characters make sense. I was compelled to keep playing for hours on end and enjoyed every minute of it. Sure the graphics are low end, but this sort of game is hardly about graphics. Acting was decent enough so all in all I really enjoyed this game.
Other Helpful Reviews for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Arcanum is an unparalleled piece of absolute perfection. Or whatever. It is the ideal RPG. The training is non-compulsory, and easy (ish) to obtain. The skill effects and chance factors are realistic, since pickpocket in... Read Full Review
Arcanum has great combat, TONS (I mean TONS) of ways to individualize the way you play... Character creation has so many options, you can be a technologist, herbalist, magician, fighter, thief, so many different things o... Read Full Review