Archlord.....hmmmmm, is this the game to play???

User Rating: 7.3 | ArchLord PC
Archlord is a game where the main key is to take over the realm with your guild by seige cities and fighting other guilds so that you can become supreme Archlord, the ruler of the world. This might seems to good to be true, but well have to see, the game is to early to give an opion about this, but there are definately other things to talk about the game

Archlord is displayed in the world of chantra, an envirement both ugly and great. The game graphics are not unique, and certainly arent that of WOW. the cartoonie look, but i honestly dont like those type of graphics. OVerall, the graphics are medium , they arent great, nor terrible, some places ca look absolutely horrible, while others can look astonishing.

As for the envirement(creatures,etc..) it is very dull, you cant swim in the game, jump, there are no forests, just random trees placed everywhere. The creatures are fairly well, but the one i most think of as TERRIBLE IS THE WALKING CUBE, how pathetic, i think the producers could of honestly came up with some things much better than this.

So far the guild wars are somewhat fun, you are transfered to this battle square where yo begin a fight to kill the other guilds men, whoever gets the most kills in mins wins. The thing i hate is that you can ONLY HAVE 50 GUIILD MEMBERS. I think that is stupid, they should change it.

Then come the armor and weapons/spells. Ok, there are not a huge cariety of things in this game, i think they could of spent a lot more time on this, because now everyone is going to look the same, which is not a good thing in an MMORPG, especially when there are only a few number of classes and races, which make the game not as unique too. But the armor does look awesome on you char, expecially at higher lvls, your guy will look very cool. As for spells, there are pretty basic, they all do the same thing, just damage the enemies.

Now we come to fighting, and PVP. the PVP is very basic, just attack whom ever you want, and if the other person dies you can be considered a criminal and be hunted down by other people for prize money. And when you die from creautres you loose 3 % xp, which can be annoying, but in PVP you dont loose anything, so dont worry. As for the potions in this game, the game is ADDICTED TO THEM, there is no other way of fighting unless you have potions, which cost a good amount of money, it can get annoying because the fact that you cnat even fight one creature without a single potion. Now the last thing is the communtity, is is very good right now, but obvioulsy because the game just came out. Many people are alrdy such a high lvl because its a major grind game. I think this game will not last long, maybe 2 years at most, so if you are waiting for a game to come out this will be a game for you until your other game comes out(like lotr online, darkfall...etc) I think guilds will get sick and tired of fighting, especially when they are all lvl 99 and they will have nothing else to do but wait once every thinrty days to fight to beomce archlord. That might affect the gaming community in the future, because the game has not focused on farming for many other things and not as many crafting specilaties. That is why this game might not be a long time playing game(IMO)

Overall this game is pretty good, it seems to be bad at first, but after a amount of time this game does begin to grow on you and mkae you want to play it more, just to see what happens next, I think many people buy this game thinkking they will become Archlord, but think of it, there will only be 12 archlords every year, so if you playing this game for that, you better be in a good guild, and be able to play this game for a good 10 hours a day to get higher lvl than most people. so that you can become supreme ruler!