If you're given this, play it for a week or so, starnger things have happened but you may enjoy it. this is not worth buying because its a ...dare i say it.. RF Online clone with added prettyness and new features, such as carving your fallen enemy's carcus to get meat for cooking (?) or to make apparal for wearing (?!) and lets face it, RF Online wasn't the best game either. I really did like the character design of the Moon Elfs, thats spot on. all cutesy and weird. The aspect of grinding is very much apparent, they used the Kill Stuff > Level Up a tad too much to get where you needed to be. All in all, its really not worth buying and not the most fun you have with an MMORPG.
Gameplay: Okay, here I am, with a copy of ArchLord game on my hand, installed on my computer... ...To be honest, Codemasters started great with their new ideas for this MMO, especially the ArchLord bit, who can rule t... Read Full Review
Before i start I have to stress that I did only catch this game in the Beta phase. But given the fact that it was only 2 weeks before release this review i feel is still relevant... anyway, on with the details. Heres the... Read Full Review