Hey you those who rate ArchLord with this dreadfull numbers read this!

User Rating: 9.7 | ArchLord PC
Have you really played this game a bit or you just write this review at your pathetic whim? Yes I'm pretty sure you haven't. Yes you can say this game has fewer classes and races than world of warcrft or lineage 2 but game has the best pvp possible...for example here dosen't matters too much if you have a superstrong character with 20 levels higher than your opponent...one mistake can mean the end of the duel for you! So now it's clarified that it has the best pvp.

What about graphics? yes if you haven't played the game and just look at the images on gamespot you would rate it with 2 or 3...at least that's what I thought when I first saw that pictures.

Actually I never intended to play this game but a friend of mine bought it and gave me that free 2weeks acount. And man this game is awesome. You know what is better is that it's not so complex...I mean that at WoW for instance there are always too many things to do...and well you get bored one day! I am not sure why did gamespot rated this game so low but it deserves 4times that rating.