Best Game Ever!
Sound: (7) Though most sound sounds real enough some are just out of place from time to time, and many sound like royalty free sounds, which as we all know is a big no-no in the gaming industry.
Interactivity: (9) The only bad part is that you are in a linear "flightpath" through the entire game which can make the game both predictable and tiring after a while. Still having that light gun to blast things is the best feeling in the world.
Story: (2) Though there is a story it is just cheesy as hell ^_^
Learning Curve: (10 or about 5 seconds) If you really cannot figure out what the mission is you probably shouldn't be playing it, as it is an M - Mature rated game. Overall: (8.5) Though that is not what the points add up to be this is my personal score as it has fulfilled my gaming needs and has made me bankrupt several times. Man I wish I could find an arcade for sale.
- Dave / Knux - Director KKOTD