It's awesome. Story itself isn't perfect, but it grows on you. You are beggining to.. dunno how to say. You are begging to tune into the Ethan Cole (that's the name of the main character). You are begging to feel the war zone, all those labs, all the AREA 51 like you really there.
They are nice, I can't say perfect. Nice is the word. Animation is smooth, weapon models are made great. FMVs looks like from the movie. Maps are made nicely.
Sound... Voiceacting is great. Such people as David Duchovny and Marilin Manson "gave" their voices for the game. Sound effects and monster voices aren't the best but they are alright.
not the best part of the game. You can beat it in less than 10 hours without any problem. If you have online - go and play, it's fun. Unfortunatly not every people have it. You can also try playing offline multiplayer but it's not that cool. 7/10
Reviewer's Tilt:
Beside few lacks game itself have a lot of great feature and nice singleplayer mode. I recomended it for all Sci-Fi and FPS players.
My Score - 9.3 - Superb