Whe you first start the game and you see the beginning sequence of Haz Team Delta's demise, your first impression is non stop action but unfortunately you are let down as you progrees further beyond the zombies, leapers, Black Ops & of course the Theata's. In the first few levels you are bombarded with zombies and frequently having to reload to your final 2 or 3 magazines, but when you progress ammo is to easy to find & the enemy's don't pose as much of a threat with the new weapons you accquire. I enjoyed the game very much because of the conspiracy's interlocking the story, the guns & of course blowing things up is always great fun. I would recommend buying it but if Sci-Fi & conspiriacy isnt your thing hire it out. All in all: Big Guns, lots of blood, Dark Corners (In certain area's) & Aliens= A pretty good game.
area 51 is one really good FPS ive played loved it from start to finish some people say it is repetitive i thought it wasnt at all. The game simply went through lots of different environments like area 51 hangers to area... Read Full Review
AREA 51 is the best shoot um up game and very easy.i finished this game in 4 days.the story is preety amazing.the game never puzzle me,i always know where to go.great graphics, excellent mechanics (which is one of the ma... Read Full Review