Very good, Under Rated FPS
User Rating: 8.6 | Area 51 PS2
Area 51 is a fairly good First Person Shooter (FPS). I know others have given it a mediocre review, saying “it’s not the worst, but you’ll play better”. I would say it’s a bit harsh, and this game is under rated. I waited a while before purchasing this game, and the price dropped from the $50 range, to $18 on sale at Christmas, and then I found it in a game shop for $8. That is an amazing bargain for a game that is enjoyable to play. I would say the game play is excellent, story is interesting, cut scenes help the story along, and to have well known screen actors lend their voices to the game really help. One of the highlights for me was “David Duchovny” lending the voice to the main character. This plays well into Sci-Fi conspiracy theory genre. In the game you even come across a set filled with props showing off a landing on the moon. Ha ha !!! The game also features the voice of “Marilyn Manson”. Like ….. Who is that? Ha ha ! One kewl feature of the game is a mutant mode you can mutate into to take on some bad guys, and at will switch back to human mode. There is also and online mode to play multiplayer, but I honestly never tried it, so I have no comment in that regard.
One beef I have with this game is that through your adventures you are able to pick up bits of data, and unlock some secrets. While playing the game you are not able to view the secrets or data, but you have to actually quit the game to view, and resume game from a saved check point.
To sum it up, I would say this is a very good, under rated FPS. If you can find it for the price I did, it is certainly worth it.