When I bought this game it was only because I am fascinated with UFOs and alien abductions and because I was disapointed that Doom 3 wasn't going to be released on PS2. After 5 minutes of playing it, I saw that it was more than just a game. This game was the closest thing to an interactive movie I had ever seen back then. The graphics were mind-blowing and the fact that Marilyn Manson played one of the aliens made it ever creepier. X-Files' David Duchovny played the main character (great choice btw) who attempts to exterminate an alien threat at Nevada's legendary Area 51. So in conclusion, if you haven't checked this one out yet, do it. You won't regret it. Adding words so I can post this review: cheese table dancing navel dunp-truck luck, paper mansion Marilyn Manson hens no longer cluck. Handsome dog sexy cat dirty stinkin' rat, George Bush lost his marbles southern sack of...
area 51 is one really good FPS ive played loved it from start to finish some people say it is repetitive i thought it wasnt at all. The game simply went through lots of different environments like area 51 hangers to area... Read Full Review
AREA 51 is the best shoot um up game and very easy.i finished this game in 4 days.the story is preety amazing.the game never puzzle me,i always know where to go.great graphics, excellent mechanics (which is one of the ma... Read Full Review