For what it's worth, you'll probably find better games available on the Xbox Live Arcade.
You begin the game by choosing an identity: either a swordsman, an archer, or a sorceress. Each combatant wields different attacks, but unfortunately, they all possess one simple ability. The swordsman uses his sword, the archer uses his bow and arrows, and the sorceress uses magic. Got that all down? Once you begin the game, you'll be asked to hunt down various creatures throughout small caves.
One thing you'll quickly recognize is the lack of input by the developers. You have no shield, no additional attacks or equipment, and there's not much of a strategy when it comes to combat. You can slice and dice your way through each small cave pretty easily, and even if you do die, you'll respawn in the same spot with full life. This is worst manifested during boss battles, because when you are killed, you respawn where you died, and the boss battle will continue with the same life meter. Kind of deprives itself of a challenge, eh?
Unbelievably, you do get a pretty cool ability when your "ego" meter reaches its peak. Depending on your combatant, you'll have the privilege of transforming into a symbolic animal of immense proportions. You're not invincible, but you can easily wipe out any enemies in your path (if it wasn't already easy enough).
Because of the game's simplicity, you really can't ask for a whole lot. You can, however, heed this review and completely stay away from this mishap.