The perfect battlefield simulation, that Operation Flashpoint fans will enjoy.

User Rating: 9.4 | ArmA: Armed Assault PC
As a flashpoint vet, I can safley say AA surpasses what I was expecting.

Its a noteworthy mention that reviewing AA (just like OPF) is a bit of a difficult task, as it must be reviewed as not just an FPS, more so a simulator... The campaign is very well crafted, as is the single player missions, both very immersive. Well Designed and enjoyable to play. The campaigns, mission selection is also very cool; making you feel asthough, you are respoinsible for the tide of the confilct

The Visuals are fantastic - some of the best you will see of DX9 until DX10 comes out. The draw distance is unparalled, the detail is the best in any game ot date, and the lighting effects, animation, focsuing effects are very sharp. You will need a relativley new PC to get hte full visual experience though.

The gameplay is nothing short of astounding - definatly improved over OFPs, and a real kick in the guts to any first timer - of what its like to be a real soldier.
The overall mechanics are improved over OPF, much more streamlined, and acessable. There is quite a steep learing curve though, and most non OPF players will wind themselves dieing quite often; further promting the use if conventional military tactics. The voice acting is fairly good, though the radio chatter is disjointed like OFPs, but well - much better. If flows a bit better, and dosent sound as robotic.
Small things like the 'tone sound' when someone speaks over the radio, and peoples vocals can be heard nearby; not radio chatter. The sound effects are also very good - very realisitc none of the less. The music is of high standard aswell.
Still, if you compare the sound to the likes of Other FPS shooters, it is a bit dissapointing - even though there are loads of different voices, and realistic effects. However is judged as a sim AAs sound is very good, and impressive - I beleive the sound is quite good - but flawed.

The sheer array of weapons, vehicles, units ect. is quite astounding......
Almost any unit you would find or see in a civilian enviroment or battlefield;
be it air, or land - even sea.
The ground vehicles handle quite well, and fairly reailsticlly, but you do need to get a grasp for it. The same goes for armoured vehicles - which if not used properly in battle - can be easy targets. The flight model is a different story. BIS have taken a much more relistic approach to flight, unlike the very acradey OPF style, and its not really pick up and fly. You really have to get the hang of flying helicopters and jets; and you will probably find yourself crashing the first time around.
Certain Air units like the Mi 8's handling is woeful (over sensative), and im hoping for tweaks and adjustments in folliwing patches.

Another noteworthy mention is the fantastic mission editor. One of the pinnicals of OPF, AAs mission editor is very similar and a joy to use.
I even just made a Warhawk esque battle with 100 odd WW1 planes,
and a black hawk down style mission. Just like OPF is very easy to jump right into making small skirmishes or large battles. The inclusion of the ME opens up a world of gameplay limited only by your imagination - bumbing up AAs replayability

Im stil yet to try the multiplayer, but I hear its a vast jump over OPFs.

The A.I is also very good, but its quite glitch prone, and has a habit of doing stupid things now and again. AA however is scarred by some nasty bugs here and there, which can really make the gameplay experience a bit awkward, or cut the immersion.
Im hoping for further Updates to fix these problems, and by the US / UK release all these issues should be gone.

AA is also quite a system heavy game, I review it on a AMD 64 3200+, 1gb OCZ, X850 pro (overclocked), and AA really does push your PC to its limits, more so than quite alot of games this year - though the output is very impressive.

My AA also has startforce protection - but latter releases use Secure Rom.

Its also a noteworthy mention of the OPF community - who procude a huge array of addons, missions and mods; further improving the game - vastly.
IM expecting the community to move to AA, improving it even more.

In a nutshel, if you were a OPF fan like me, you will ,love AA and be glad Bohemia didnt change its mechanics / foundations.
For everyone else, its either a game you will love or hate.