An underrated game, by far. Takes a patient gamer to enjoy.
Gameplay: 8.5
It takes a patient gamer to play this game. I have seen countless Call of Duty and CS players attempt to play this game with a 'run n gun' type attitude. If you are going to play like that, it is better that you should uninstall this game now. Your team does not need you. This is a strategic FPS, and a good one at that.You have to find cover, set up shots, lead your enemies and acount for the wind and distance. This is NOT CS!
Graphics: 8.0
This was the big let down. It is not well optimized, and the textures are middle-classed. It looks like it should run better than it does. The weather effects are really nice, but the explosions dont have that oomph you would expect. The character models are VERY detailed, and you can customize your facial features and such.
Sound: 7.0
This is really a questionable aspect. The gun sounds are 'meh' at best. They sound really underpowered. One good thing is, you can customize your voice, you can sound like a female..or slide the bar over, and sound like Ahnuld! This doesnt make up for many low quality sounds however. You can download mods that will provide better quality, but who wants that hassle? The sound can some times hang while playing online, which is really annoying. The voice chat is rarely used because it's so buggy. The chopper sounds are great though.
Replay/Multiplayer: 8.5
The single player campaign is OKAY, but Online is where this game truely shines. The co-op mode has been long overdue, we are seeing less and less of this each year. Some multiplayer co-op matches can last 3-5 hours! You can leave, and return in 45 minutes in time to cap the next town. This is definately not a negitive thing.
This is a game worth picking up, but only if you are willing to leave your run and gun play style at the door. Good graphics, okay sound, and killer Co-op multiplayer... This is overall, a VERY cool game.