Basicly An ADDON pack

User Rating: 7.5 | ArmA: Queen's Gambit PC
As i said its basicly an addon pack for the oridgional ARMA with two new campains 'Rambadi Conflict' and 'Royal Flush'.Also a few new Veicles and weapons Inc. DC3 Civillian airoplane and Pickup trucks with MGs on them oh and a HUMV limmo (not a strech).New Weapons include the 6G30 grenade launcher and... no wait thats it lol. There are also two multiplayer missions Battle of porto and urban raid. The graphics and everything else are all the same and the bugs and stuff are still there but i expected more from Bohemia this time

///////Single Player\\\\\\\\
Just like armas missions the missions in queens gambit are not that good they are comfusing and often have poor level design \\\\\\Multiplayer//////
This is where the whole arma series kicks off its sharing user made missions and unofficial addons with people around the world Co-op is a very popular game mode online, and with the mission editer everyone can share there custom made missions