Even if you liked Operation Flashpoint you may not like this!

User Rating: 2.4 | ArmA: Armed Assault PC
I must admit that despite the terrible control interface I quite liked the original Operation Flashpoint - although it did take some time to get into and I failed to complete the final mission as flying a chopper with mouse and keyboard was just too cumbersome.
I therefore eagerly awaited ARMA which is essentially OF2, assuming a much more intuitive and common-sense interface would have been developed. It was therefore a big disappointment that nearly 6 (SIX!!) years after the first game we are presented with a similar though unbelievably even more complicated control panel and an endless list of keys to try and remap into something sensible (developers: please go away and play GRAW to see how to do it properly).
The graphics were also little better than OF and the sound is fairly puny too. After completing the tedious (though necessary) training missions and the familiar first part of the first mission (run for 10 mins and then get shot) I uninstalled it and put it on Ebay.
I think I would rather stare at the floor until GRAW 2 comes out in a month or so...