As a former Marines Infantry men, and i did two tours to Iraq. I can tell you this game is very realistic. I uses all the tactics i have learned in the Marines and it works wonderfully. This is one amazing games. It's about time some one making a realistic game and not gun ho first person shooter. This is the type of game you have to uses your head and strategy and plan of attack before going into to combat. I always enjoy games like this. Its not how fast you move and how many rounds you put down range. When playing this game. I actually spent good amount of time staring at the screen trying to plan out my attack for each scenarios and make sure non of my guy get hurt, just like i was in Iraq. No men left behind. Playing games like this and when you do beat the game. You actually learn something. Semper Fi
I am only a few hours into this but there seems to very little in the way of reviews that I could find so I took a punt and bought it. So for anyone else in the boat who might be thinking is it for me or not then read on... Read Full Review
Graphics: 9 Sound: 8 Gameplay: 9 Story: 8 Multiplayer: 9 Ive been watching this game for a while, and whenit came out their was no hesitation in rushing to the store and buying it. I was suprised at the price as i... Read Full Review