Armada is a space RPG. The main character is the character that you create. Each race has their own specific abilities. The main thing you do in this game is do the missions, help ships get to certain coordinates, and destroy everything armada unit in your path. The game constantly sends enemies in your direction, in fact, they are everywhere in the game (except on star bases and on the home planet that you start at). As you gain levels in the game, your ship becomes stronger and increases in size. As you progress through the missions, new parts become available for you to customize your ship with. You can have up to 3 other people join up with you to help kill off the enemies and to help you out on missions. After when you beat all of the missions, the game makes the enemies stronger, this allows you to get more experience points for your ship and to get more money to spend on parts. The best part about this space RPG is that it is all action, and not turn based or RTS style. This game was a lot of fun, a little bit difficult as the missions sent you into areas that had stronger enemies, but still this game was fun.
Overview: No genre goes back as far as the shooter. The first computer game, the 2 player Space War, was a shooter, with subsequent titles, such as the classic Asteroids, being more complete versions of that original co... Read Full Review
Armada isn't a very typical game and its not really all htat great of a game either. However, it does get credit for being pretty cool in some of the things it does. You fly around the galaxy doing missions in order to ... Read Full Review