It was an alright game I think, it could have been way better, but then again no game is perfect right? Right. When I played A+D, The story was pretty good, and I took particular interest in the cutscenes, (many were funny.) It was an overall good game. (8.0) What I DIDN'T like though, was the fact that the weapons mostly sounded the same. Also, Your little parnter guys don't help out much, they just get shot at, and occasionally shoot a random bullet. I'm not trying to "bag" on this game at all, for I like it. Once again, 8.0. Thanks
In this game you are Rome destined man of strength and honor. You are part of a group called The Lion-hearts. Allies are a smelly,snood Mole Rat who curses a lot, and a robot how is addicted to tea and is afraid of hei... Read Full Review
The Game Armed and Dangerous sounds like a normal type shoot 'em game. But the odd enemies , the weird weapons , and the strange characters make this game different from the rest. For example The Shark gun , the cyclops ... Read Full Review