WarHammer Oops I mean Armies of Exigo
User Rating: 6.8 | Armies of Exigo PC
The premise of this game shouldn't surprise anyone its the same old story humans battle orcs or drow elves, in any combination you choose. Very good graphics also this game has a realistic chess board of characters you can pick any combo of creatures to play and battle. I probably play the chess more then the accual game due mainly to the fact that the A.I. of this game is one donut short of a dozen, in that i mean the opponent comes on strong at first but if you attack them after that forget about them rebuilding or getting another army together in any short time. Also the coolest creatures of the game in my opinion are the drow elf undead thingies and they are always whipped out before any other teams so ive yet to battle it out good with them. All in all I have to say pick this one up the bargain bin if you must. I give it a 5 out of 10 replay ability.