Yes the campaign might be short, and the environments a little dull, but the action and customization keeps you going.

User Rating: 8.4 | Armored Core 4 X360
It has been said in many other reviews that the missions are to easy and short, that the scenery is empty and drab. This is true to some degree, but there are many upsides to it. When playing through the missions there will be the occasional one or two that you will need to edit your Next so that you can complete it with a bit more ease, where as some missions can be completed in under ten seconds. Most missions don’t actually last longer than around 2 – 3 minutes, but in those 2 – 3 minutes you will be having some of the most fun, action packed experiences you will have on your Xbox 360 or PS3. And there is nothing more pleasing than when you complete a mission that you found really tough and you get an S Rank.

The graphics on some levels do seem like the producers have just had a cup of tea and a biscuit instead of paying attention to what they are doing, but this lonely seems to be apparent on such missions like when you have to destroy a base in the middle of a sandstorm, this gives you very little visuals and gets you rather frustrated because you can hardly see. However when you are doing missions which include annihilating a anti-satellite cannon (which after you bombard it, makes a nice explosion of kojima particles). The highlight of the visuals has to be the actual mechs, which this time, look astounding more than ever. Especially astounding are the boosters which more a very nice glow highlighting the look of your Next, especially in the dark missions.

Unfortunately this game is rather short and could be improved in many ways. And hopefully the nice people at FromSoftware will release some extra content.

Altogether a very good game, if a little short.