Worthless game that shows Sega is headed out of the business

User Rating: 6.1 | Armored Core 4 X360
This game has its fun moments, but it's overall aggravating. The game teaches you how to pilot your vehicle and that's about it. It doesn't tell you anything about building them or modifying them and leaves you to play around and figure that out somehow. The game play can be fun put most missions are only a few seconds long and you're done.

Some missions are impossibly difficult, where in one you must shoot down all these self destruct devices coming towards a submarine base. There are an insanely high amount of them and you're more than likely going to run out of ammo and have to just watch many pass right by. The targeting system is also bad. You cannot tell it what to target, it just picks something and you shoot at it. This can be annoying when you're trying to blow up an objective and shoot the wrong thing.

The missions aren't particularly exciting though, with only a few that are actually challenging and fun. Graphics were about average, but it all seemed to have a graininess. One of the most irritating things is that when you try to equip parts, it doesn't tell you how much they cost. You just equip them and hope you have enough money to buy the parts you put on, elsewise you'll be taking random things off to see if it lowers the cost. Also, unbought parts show as Data Only, which is misleading because it may make you think you haven't unlocked it, but that means you haven't bought it.

Many missions are just irritating, and the end mission summaries give you bonuses depending on how much damage you took, ammo you used, and the time you did it. The time completed in is very confusing, as sometimes even though the mission has a time bonus and you finish it in 55 seconds and the predicted was 160, you get no bonus. Other times, it may say it has no time bonus and you will get a huge bonus for time. It's all very confusing and not explained.

This game has a very Anime-mech feel to it, whereas some other mech games have a more straightfoward mechanical/futuristic feel. This game may be great for people who've played them in the past. For someone looking for a fun game to just pick up and play, you'd be better to look at Chromehounds or if you want to get a bit older, MechAssault 2 which is still a very fun game.