A streamlined Armored Core experience, but still aimed at the hardcore

User Rating: 9 | Armored Core 4 X360
This is going to be pretty brief. Why? Well, when it comes to Armored Core, there's two types of people. Those who love it, and those who don't get it. I happen to love it, and if you fall in this group, AC4 is fast, challenging, and a fantastic mix of balancing frame building and mission gameplay. Sure, it's not perfect, but with its fantastic visuals, sound, and depth, if you're a die-hard AC fan, you'll love it - and for that same reason, it's going to alienate the typical Madden, Halo, *insert game here* casual gamer. Basically, if you fall into this group, this game isn't for you, and I've read a few of the exceedingly negative reviews, and it's clear that it's the same reason this game is catching flak from some reviewers.

Anyway, before you consider buying this game, here's a tip to play it safe: if you don't know what you're getting into (as with pretty much any mech combat game except MechAssault, to a degree), don't do it. Simple, right?