If you're into this kind of thing.
During the missions you'll soon notice something, you never really see the other "ACs" for more than a second before a series of rockets and machine gun fire makes your shield light up the whole screen while you just lock on and hope to kill it before it kills you, because, seriously, who likes to lose? One down side, the robot's shattered remains won't even be there so that you can look and imagine what the robot MIGHT have looked, unless that is it was the big one you were after, then you'll just fade out and go back to the game's hub screen.
The graphics to me seemed pretty smooth, though not on the level of some of the front-line games today. That's all there really is to say about that.
One other pet peeve of mine was that the game boasted letting you loose inside of a city, well...kinda. You get about half of a New York neighborhood to romp around in. A major plus for the game would come if they let you play in massively open areas.
I'm giving this one a definite rent, and buy if big robot is your thing.