this game is the one of the must own games for the 360 so far, the gameplay and graphics are top notch (graphics for 360 version better that ps3), the controls of this complex war machine is easy to handle and intuitive, the online portion shines with its infinite customization. its all about making an AC and going at it with other mech combat game to date.!! this game is well worth the wait... the 360 version is better than the ps3 in terms of graphics and the fact that the 360 verion supports voice chat unlike the ps3 counterpart. just do your self a favor and go out and pick up this amazing game.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, since I'd like to get back to playing. Given this series' notorious legacy of being unfriendly to newcomers, its understandable to see all of these poor reviews for this newest ent... Read Full Review
NOTE! THE FOLLOWING REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS, SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO NOT BE SPOILED, READ CAREFULY AND SLOWLY! GOT IT? GOOD! LETS GO! Opening Statement: The Armored Core series and I have a love-hate relationship ... Read Full Review