While the game might be short, it is definitely recommended to veteran fans.
User Rating: 7.7 | Armored Core: Nine Breaker PS2
This game is something i have been asking for for quite a while. While the missions in AC are usually fun, they are a distant second when compared to the arena combat. This game, for better or for worse, is arena based. With aroughly 85 opponets to fight with and 150 training exercises, its definitely worth a rent. But perhaps not much more. To start it off, i will begin with the astethics. Armored core has never been all that graphically beatiful (aside from it usually breath taking pre-rendered cutscenes), and it doesn't change in this series. The cores, as always, are well detailed and very nice looking. The background, and the majority of the weapon effects, are not all that great though. There are also a few layering issues (such as you being able to stand in mid air on the edge of a overhanging platform), and the sound can get very annoying. The gameplay is actually quite smooth, thanks to its FPS style controls, in which you are able to fly, shoot your left weapon, shoot your right weapon, switch weapons, and control the direction your looking all at the same time. It might be difficult for a begginer to get used to using his 2nd and third fingers and holding the playstation controller with his 4th and 5th fingers (not like the with the x box where you just are using your index finger for fire), but it should only take them an hour or so to get used to the change. Dropping weapons and using your inside weapon are both very easy to do (in contrast to the previous games). The practice "mini games", while they can be useful, are for the most part bland, and not very fun. The area AI is lacking even into the upper top 10, and most of the time the opponets will fly straight into a wall ( the AI is however exceptionally good at dodging and aiming, more than making up for its controlling faults) to try and get to you. It really does suck not being able to select the area where you fight in test matches (though you do know ahead of time where your fighting in official matches), because often times using a specific AC might not work well in certain places. The customization, as always, is amazing, and the only other game (aside from its predeccesors) that comes close in the customization field is Gran Turismo. It took me about 8 hours to beat the arena mode, i spent about 2 hours in the training section, and another 3 or 4 hours in the arena. So, all together, you can get about 10 hours of play out of this in a rental, and if you a die hard fan, somewhere between 14 and 20 is probably about right. The game costs 40 bucks, which is a nice change in comparrison to the other plethora of game that cost 50 of 55 dollars. Again, while the value ain't bad, its not that great, and can only be described as decent. I greatly enjoy mech games, and this is most certainly my favorite series. However, i really only recommend buying this game to those who enjoy the series and have already played Nexus. For those of you who are interested in armored core, I suggest you buy Armored core nexus, because there is a great deal of value in it and you can probably pick it up for about 40 bucks, new or used. For the Armored Core fans, definitely watch out for the 10th edition works in the series (Armored Core:last raven), and play this game to tide you over.