In a few words I can say exactly how i feel about armored core Nine breaker and they are "An angel who has broken wings"
User Rating: 5.5 | Armored Core: Nine Breaker PS2
In a few words I can say exactly how i feel about armored core Nine breaker and they are "An angel who has broken wings" at first this game sound like it could be a very good game but seems to me now that sense the missions are gone so is the game soul if you get what i'm saying. The game could of been as great as the rest if they would have made it... more search and destroy then your in your garage now go fight three second later your in the arena. It lacked weapon power and balance overall i liked it but to tell you the truth From soft will have to try a lot harder to impress me next time. Armored core:SL and Armored Core: Nexus where very good If I do say so myself, as fore Nine Breaker it's just not the same without missions. From Soft nice try on this game I mean it really but you can do better and you've proved it before why did you slack now