I think that everyone dosen't like this game because it is old.. Well, I still like it! I was 5 when I started pl
User Rating: 9.5 | Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. PS
I like this game a lot... I've been playing sense I was five and I still like it. It was one of the first games I played and liked for any system. I made my way with my dad through level 6 or 7 then I really didn't do anything with it till 2007. Now that I finally made it past level 8 (I think that's why I stopped playing) I now am on level 10 or 11. I level 9 I coulden't find a way out of the first area for awhile. Then I still had trouble finding my way out. I was the one who usually found the way out because my dad isn't good at many games. Overall this game was and still is good, even for a PS1 game.*****************************************************