When I bought this it was out of boredom. At blockbuster, there were no good movies out that I hadn't seen. Then, I noticed Sarges War, sitting alone on a shelf. "Oh hell," I thought. Sarges War, where it is quite short and easy, it can be quite fun. The game won't take you very long, but its usually out for a cheap price. You are Sarge, a green soldier. Your longtime enemies are the Tan forces. A peace treaty between the opposing factions is about to be signed, but Lord Malice detonates a bomb and destroyes both armeis. Wishing to avenge his comrades, Sarge embarkes on a one man war to destroy Malice.
The gamplay is pretty straigt forward. Shoot the bad guys. There are plenty of diferent objectives in missions, such as destroying artillery with time bombs, shooting spotters that call airstrikes, etc. The gamplay can be a little repetative, and a bit annoying sometimes. But stiil, blowing the crap out of tan armeis can be good fun.
The graphics are good, but the sound is terrible With corny lines such as, "DON'T WORRY HE"L NEVER FIND THIS BOMB WERE GUARDING!" Its really hard to try and appreciate. the sond effects are okay though. Its not a great game, but it can be fun, so if your short on money and need a good game, give it a try.
You're Sargeant Hawk (or Sarge for short), who is sent on a mission to quell some rebel Tan forces from wrecking the peace treaty signing between the Greens and Tans. However, a massive explosion at the signing kills eve... Read Full Review
I don't understand why so many reviewers have ripped this game apart. I finally sat down and played this game, and I have to say that I thoroughly disagree with anyone who says this is a bad game. I do believe that it ... Read Full Review