Army men was a very.... diffrent game if you want to get this game to play it multi player because you think it mite be fun i got something to tell you....come closer.... closer...... closer...... NO! the multiplayer of this game is HORABLE build an army die respawn no bace to it! you can get get ur whole army killed and then a minit later there all back...and all you have to do is sit there. whats the fun in that?! a 2 year old could beat a pro its horable but single player is ok thare is a little fun in it but not that mutch i wouldent recomend this game to anyone.... maybe someone i hate but anyone becides that i wouldent. Thanx -Shane-
The poor little naive version of this reviewer at the time had mistaken this game for a Toy Story spin-off, and being the little child that was infatuated with Toy Story, had unwittingly played this game hoping for the s... Read Full Review
Army Men is in fact an very old game, for the moment, only gamers that dint play the game are buying (or downloading because i dont think they are still selling it) or downloading the game. You should see Army Men as a ... Read Full Review