Bring a friend, It's a rough ride.
The graphics
It's kinda hard to say their good, but you can't say their bad either. They don't repeat stages or scenery where you see the same stuff they are creative but you can say the stage layouts aren't to clever because they really promote splitting up to build up aggro so your partner can flank. The enemies do all look the same, there will always clones, it's kind of unavoidable, and at times they do look pretty bad ass. Guns look really cool. Yep all I can say about that. The customizable mask that you can get online does look out place, more about that later.
The gameplay
The controls are not as tight as you think it is, but they are solid. Shooting people is really easy and you can switch to a lefty or righty view, because through this game you're going to find yourself on either side of cover and it will be a hell of a lot easier to shoot on a lefty or righty side. But as a third person shooter you would think that it would do that on it's on when you took cover. It is not a bad thing but its minor enough to mess you around a bit on the harder difficulties but not too much if you're careful. The shooting feels tight and you know you get them down, but not all of the time. They like you have last stand where their partners can pick them up to. So if your rushing out of your cover and the guy is not dead, you're gonna be embarrassed when he gets you down with his pistol. When you're not rolling with friends and want to go solo, you're A.I partner is surprisingly good. He will listen to your every command and execute them well. He at times will try to outperform you and possibly get more kills for you. He also doesn't mind being a target and building up aggro while you go and flank the opponent. When you're downed he will safely bring you to cover a lot better than you can because the control on saving your downed partner is completely horrid. Dragging you partner is hard and confusing so most of the time if not all you will ask your partner to crawl to cover himself, hoping he doesn't bleed out. The aggro system is a nice concept to it but it's sort of hilarious to walk by and shoot oblivious enemies.
The Story
It's kind of weird. You don't really realize the story til halfway through the game. Because you just gotta assume Salem and Rios are just getting the hell out of Shanghai. In the end you try to kill the guy behind it. It progresses rather awkwardly. You get from point A to B shooting the other mercs up with the focus being someone you're helping or a guide. On some occasions you get a chance to save hostages in unique ways. You can do a mock surrender with your partner or try to take the mercs as hostage. Or even in unison kill the mercs before they kill the hostages. You can choose not to but, it's an achievement/trophy if you do. During some points of the story as well you get to make some positive or negative choices that don't affect the main story but they do show the consequences of your decisions, and they aren't as obvious as you think they would be. Sometimes their downright outrageous.
Final Word
This game was a good play and I did enjoy it, but would I shell out a whole lot of many for its short campaign and sub-par, definitely worth a rent and a blast to play with friends if you get past its frustrating difficulties on contractor but if you play on normal its way to easy. The only real novelty of this is you can make your own mask on and send it to your PSN or Xbox Live Accounts and roll with it on the campaign. You can't use it online though but it is fun rolling around with the mask you created. If you can't figure it out you can just take someone else's created mask. For some time I was Spongebob and Squirtle.