Although possessing some cool new features, AoT2 fails to live up to the first one.
GAMEPLAY - If you've played the first Army of Two, this game isn't too much different. In fact, the similarities are almost disappointingly similar. Sure, there are some new features. You can take the high road and take prisoners rather than kill every soldier you come across. Also, there are these little occurrences where you can pick and choose your own path between two decisions. These decisions don't impact the story too much, but they give a mildly entertaining glimpse at what happens because of your actions. Besides this, there isn't much to say here. It's just your typical run and gun shooter, without much substance otherwise. - 7/10
STORY - This game has a pretty poor story. Aside from the occurrences where you choose between two paths, there really isn't a lot here. For most people, this isn't a big problem, but for me I wish there was a way I could explain what the back-story to this game is to someone I'm explaining it to in order to see if they would like it or not. I can't really do that to people I know, nor on here. If you want a story, don't buy this game. If you want a lot of heart-pumping action, this might be for you. - 3.5/10
GRAPHICS - The graphics here are about on par from what we can expect from games that are coming out. Still, these aren't much better than the first game. In fact, I felt like the first game had a better setting and backdrop than this one. That's just my personal opinion, but take it for what it's worth. - 7.5/10
SOUND - For an action-intensive game, the voice-acting here is quite good. Listening to Rios and Salem's one-liners and interactions actually adds a lot to the experience. The music is okay, but nothing too special. This game is all about the voice-acting and gunfire/explosions...not necessarily the music. - 7.5/10
LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - I haven't yet finished the game, but considering there are only a few chapters and a regular run-through is like 4 or 5 hours, I can't say this is worth it when it comes to this category. I would say that running through multiple times could be appropriate in the interests of getting trophies and seeing what the consequences are of choosing the other paths that you chose your first time through. Really though, this game is a worth a rental in terms of longevity, nothing more. My friend and I got through nearly half the game in no time, and neither of us are receptive to replaying games unless it ends up being extremely fun. - 5/10
BOTTOM LINE - The 40th Day was kind of a disappointment for me in comparison to the first game. I was considering pre-ordering this and everything, but I'm glad I didn't. If you're lucky enough to pick this up used or are able to rent it, I say give it a try. I mean, it's something different. It's not like a lot of other games out there. And most importantly, PLAY WITH A FRIEND. If you play this by yourself you'll be depriving yourself of any potential this game has. Just my opinion, but I'm sure you'll see what I mean if you give this a try. For my money though, I would say the first Army of Two is much better. Sure, there aren't any trophies, but the gameplay and story are just as good, if not better. - 6/10