This game invites players to take on REAL weapon customization that is enjoyable and assures that no gun is the best

User Rating: 9.5 | Army of Two: The 40th Day X360
Army of Two brings the classic Flash Game "Pimp My Gun" into a virtual world. The first to ever do that. This game has a weapon customization that brings infinite chances for a player to create a gun they actually enjoy. This customization makes up for the small amount of guns available. Story brings out many different choices. These choices are very cool ways to show how actions have affected people's lives. Yet, the sad online multiplayer experience is limited. Game modes are short and have no customization at all. Not even a custom loadout. As well as having overpowered guns. Sniper rifles are overpowered, especially the semi automatic one. Good thing that campaign is available online and offline allowing a solid experience with friends and somebody else. This game also has a great way to actually make players use tactics in the game. Great game with great new features.