great replay value and good fluid gameplay but... the story.. nah not great

User Rating: 8 | Army of Two: The 40th Day X360
army of two tfd is a awesome game with a lot of descruction and violence. the story is taking place in shaghai and its like a massacre over there your job is to escape. there are 3 difficulties casual,normal and contracter. contracter can be hard at times and very frustrating too.

THE game is pretty short its only 7 hours long depends on ur difficulties. this time there are more weapen custamization but no armor custom which is sad but after finishing the game u get some extra costumes.

This time there is a morality system and every choice u make has its effect. and u can replay each missions to see different endings. The online is just a drag there is nothing special it takes a lot of time to connect there are many bugs and gliches. There is a new game called extraction mode where u have to survive hordes of enemies.IF U LIKE CO-OP GAMES AND U HAVE FRIENDS WHO LIKE PLAYING WITH U THEN THIS A MUST BUY