The policy "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" comes to mind...
The 40th day has been given a graphically boost from the first game and while the player models and guns look good, their is nothing impressive about the general look of the game. The visuals look rough and unpolished at times with poor explosions/fire, which range closer to being comical rather than the gritty urban look the game needs. Its not the horrible but in this generation you have little excuse for not creating a much better looking game.
The game has all the standard sound you expect to hear with bullets and grenades going off everywhere but just like the graphics the sound department is very average. The voice acting can become tiresome though that could be down to the writing over the actual acting. The game also has bugs that can disable or muffle sound but actually at times that's not a bad thing.
Starting with the good, firefights can be fun at times but its the melee moves that are the best bit of the combat especially if you have a shield in your possession. The ability to customise your gear is also a nice touch though the upgrade system has not exactly been given deep thought but it does allow for over the top fun that the game's main target audience probably likes. The issue with the gameplay is the lack of depth to it and the structure of the game with boring boss fights that feel so out of place and the annoying game sections that forces you to use awful game mechanics like the back to back feature. The aggro system is designed to make you use tactics and teamplay but its too forced at times and not exactly balanced properly.
While being nothing special the enemy A.I is not stupid, using cover when offered and being pretty accurate (sometimes a little too accurate) but the game tries to use overwhelming numbers rather than smarts to beat you. The A.I is protected by poor game design at times like some boss fights forcing you to kill them by aiming at a particular part of their body despite the fact general grenades and constant fire would do the trick as well if the game devs were aware of real world physics.
There's not much of a story to the game, infact when it comes to writing, the words "utter crap" comes to mind. Army of Two: 40th Day is an excuse to create a shallow shooter and fair enough but try to come up with some shell of a story please. The game does have some bugs and frame rate issues, which flair up more via online play than splitscreen. The game is worth at least one playthrough for co-op ONLY if your a fan of that playing with friends but its nothing special and won't be much use too after.
Overall "Army of Two: The 40th Day" is better than the original but could be so much better if EA actually put some effort into the franchise.