army of two the devil's cartel [overkill edition]

User Rating: 10 | Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel (Overkill Edition) X360

I think army of two the devil's cartel is a masterpiece it is just a wonderful game. What I mean by that is that it is a fun and hard game if you are new to 3rd person shooting games if not it mite be easy. You should use all the difficulties so you can find a suitable difficulties. I beat the game so I know it is fun. If you buy any of the army of two series I urge you to buy this one. It is fun and competitive in co-op mode just like the old ones. the older ones are fun too but not as fun as this one. Finally the overkill edition as you kill the cartel you fill your overkill meter you press LB to activate it your partner collects overkill too. The overkill mode only yours is so short but you can combined yours overkill and your partners to be in slow-mo. Plus you are invincible and can shoot everywhere without losing ammo. That is I rated army of two the devil's cartel a 10 or you can call it a masterpiece.