As a normal 3rd person shooter it's fine, as an Army of Two game, it's terrible.
I was very excited for a new Army of Two game however The Devil's Cartel is something of a slap in the face to any Army of Two fan. As a generic, normal, 3rd person shooter the game is fine. There's enough enemies to shoot and the presentation gets the job done. Unfortunately, everything that made Army of Two stand out is gone, no more air guitars, high-fives, back to back, co-op sniping, gone, all of it. As a result the co-op feels like your typical co-op game of Halo or Gears of War. You might occasionally boost a partner up to a roof or very rarely come across a shield opportunity, but that's it. What happened? Why remove these co-op tactics from a game DESIGNED for co-op?
The campaign is functional but dull. You'll fight through Mexico streets that are void of any excitement, shoot through a graveyard and navigate a construction sight, yawn.. All of these maybe would've worked had I already not done it in Advanced Warfighter 1 & 2. Where were all these "explosive" action moments that were promised? Also disappointing is your arsenal, the weapons are lackluster and while you're able to purchase attachments you can no longer mix and match any gun part you wish, again, I ask why?
Outside of the campaign...well that's really it, I was never crazy about Army of Two's multiplayer but there's really nothing to do outside of the campaign which is already not terribly thrilling. The Devil's Cartel feels like a game made by people who never even played Army of Two before. I'm fairly certain this will the end of my beloved Army of Two. Depressing how it had to end like this rather than an open door of future possibilities on the next generation of consoles.