Awesome game!
User Rating: 9 | Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel X360
First off, dont listen to the reviews, they will never be satisfied! They gave bad scores to previews Army of Two titles for bad dialogue and writing, and also critized the main characters for being too silly! They said that changes needed to be made to the formula to make it entertaing because it was getting boring! Then when the new game comes out, they say that its missing the same features the previous games had and that they critized! I dont get it!! When a developer tries something new, they get hell for it, but if they stick to the same formula people complain!! Just plain dumb!! This game is awesome! The new characters DO have a personality and you actually care for them! The gameplay is very entertaining amd the controls and gunplay are very smooth! Great graphics and sound effects!! So play it!! Reviewers mauled Army of Two The 40 th Day for being inmature because of things like the Rock Papers Scissors mini game, and now they say they miss these kind of things in the new game! Make up tour damn minds!!