Highly underrated

User Rating: 8 | Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel X360
The late great Visceral Canada development studio left us with a sleeper gem because they absolutely NAILED the gun mechanics in this game. Don't be fooled by the low professional review scores because if you are a true blue shooter fan you will love Army of Two TDC. Some of the set pieces feel like someone just threw you into the middle of the next Expendables/Bruce Willis/John Woo movie. Bullets and explosions everywhere while you and your partner are trying to make your way through the chaos.

The AI is really good in single player but make sure you use cover and check your corners because you WILL get flanked by the enemy if you try to run and gun it. Army of Two TDC is very focused and most importantly EXTREMELY FUN with a decent amount of customization for your characters and weapons. I'm glad the developers used their time to focus on the games strengths instead of wasting time on half baked PvP or some other gimmick that you would play once and never play again. So do yourself a favor and buy it now if you can afford it or simply wait until its cheaper if you like shooters.