Best of the series! One of the best games of they year!
The enemies use cover, even on lower difficulties. Some run up to you to try and melee you, which changes things up. The brutes are strong, but can be melee'd if you can get in close range to them. The melee moves are fun to watch and brutal. Good amount of customization on the weapons. Good amount of each type of weapon. The shooting is fun, and the hit detection is great except sometimes for the snipers. Smooth aiming, and the red hit markers are blood colored so it seems fun shooting the enemies. They removed some of the clutter from past games, like the back to back move, where you stand still, in one place and shoot in 360 degrees. The story is very well written, and the game is the average length for a shooter this generation at about 8 hours or so. The AI for your partner is very good. You don't realize he's even there sometimes except for reviving you, and for a AI partner thats amazing. There no RE5 AI where she can't figure out how to shoot, or when to revive, and can't find the next objective here. He knows where to go, and will get kills for you and revive you when you need it.
The game looks great, the detail on the world, on yourself, the mask's etc look amazing. You can create cool masks without having to sign in to EA's website, you do it in game. Salem and Rios are in the game, but the story is about Alpha and Bravo being the playable characters. The double overkill move is awesome, you really can cause all kinds of destruction using it. The game has a good challenge on higher difficulties, but not so great its impossible. The menu's look cool, especially when loading, looks like its signing in online, but its really just loading. The stats page keeps up with everything for trophies. And there are leaderboards for missions completed by time, and by money earned. The menu's are easily navigated by even the newest of players to the series.
The only real negatives, aren't that major either. Like where between sections you have to wait for you partner to catch up to you so you can advance, and there's not drop in and drop out coop. But there is online coop, splitscreen coop, solo play. A few instances of lag, during gameplay but only happened a couple times all story on mainly on Insane difficulty.
Overall because this game is so fun, and so good I give it a 8.5 out of 10 if your playing solo. But if your playing with a buddy, or someone random online i would rate this a 9.0 out of 10. Because playing with a friend communicating moves, and helping each other and without any lag makes this much better. I experienced more lag during solo than i did playing coop.