Puts the D in Devil's Cartel.
Perhaps we let ourselves become unrealistically expectant... but to be blunt our experience thus far has been absolutely putrid- a diabolical insult. If EA had ever wanted to kill the true cooperative (side by side) genre this was definitely the means by which to do it. A plus B = C and C stands for CRAP. Alpha and Bravo are undeserving of real names and though I wasn't sure why ANYONE would think to replace characters like Salem and Rios with these two hammerheads, once I saw how little thought went into the rest of the game (pretty much from minute 1) it became clear. Disgusting.
The graphics aren't bad, but the mechanics are so unnatural that it takes away from what the game could be. Every single point that you can hide behind has some blue arrow thing pointing at it... and you can't crouch. Aggro isn't really even a factor anymore... and if the game addresses it you're left in the dark about it. Laser designators shooting through walls resulting in annoying static noise... Face-palm.
The cliché dialogue and embarrassing lack of originality made me cringe every time we had to reload the levels. At one point I thought they had learned something from the predecessors and set reload points after particularly long and annoying cut-scenes... nope. "You just want to impress our female contact..." Shut the F up Bravo... idiot.
I feel betrayed by this garbage title and though we will play it to the end as an act resembling charity to Salem and Rios' characters... we will do so in a fashion only slightly more committed than that exhibited by EA to our cherished title.